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Dragonhead, JPatch export

Dragonhead is an RIB-Export from JPatch. The model was made by [Anto Matkovic] and is included in [Sascha Ledinsky's JPatch].

Window snapshot from ribpreview.exe with dragonhead
Dragonhead, JPatch export (displayed by ribpreview.exe, Windows XP)

The gzipped RIB Source can be found here: [dragonhead.rib.gz (167kb)]


Killeroo, Catmull-Clark Subdivision

You can get the data of the Killeroo Model, subd-1024.tif and eventually the displacement map subd-1024_3.tif, however RiCPP does not support displacements, from [headus (metamorphosis) Pty Ltd.]. Killeroo was designed and sculpted by [Martin Rezard], scanning, 3D representations and coloring were done by headus (metamorphosis). To preview the textured Catmull-Clark version of the model, you have to do slight modifications to the RIB file and the texture, since RiCPP does not support the RenderMan (TM) shading language by now.

Window snapshot from ribpreview.exe with killeroo
Window snapshot from ribpreview.exe (Windows XP)

In the RIB file please change the "cyslice_subd_matte" surface shader to the "paintedplastic" shader (there is some code in RiCPP for this shader that does the texture mapping):

Surface "paintedplastic" "Ks" 0 "Ka" 0 "Kd" 1 "roughness" .3 "texturename" [ "subd.tif" ]
and add some declarations at the top of the file
Declare "coordinatesystem" "string"
Declare "sphere" "float"
Then load the "subd-1024.tif" texture in a graphics program and save it uncompressed to "subd.tif" (the original image is loaded mirrored horizontally). Transforming the texture with 3delight using
MakeTexture "subd-1024_3.tif" "subd.tif" "clamp" "clamp" "box" 1 1
or the utility tdlmake of 3delight to get the texture also works.

NURBS Killeroo snapshot from glutrib of ricpp2 (X-Window)
NURBS Killeroo snapshot from glutrib of ricpp2 (X-Window)


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Last change: Oct., 5th 2010
Contact: Andreas Pidde